Consultation with UK cancer charities
Engaging with clinicians, patients and the public to enhance understanding of the benefits, availability and implications of genetic testing for people with cancer is a key aim of the Mainstreaming Cancer Genetics (MCG) programme.
Towards this aim, the programme is holding a consultation with UK cancer charities from 2pm-5pm on Friday 14th February 2014 at the RMH Education and Conference Centre, London SW3 6JJ. The event will be free of charge and open to any UK cancer charity wishing to attend. ( download the flyer).
The event will include interactive talks from Professor Nazneen Rahman, Head of the Cancer Genetics Clinical Unit at The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust and the Division of Genetics and Epidemiology at the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), and Alastair Kent, Director, Genetic Alliance UK.
The day will provide information about how genetic information can be used to help people with cancer and their families. It will also give cancer charities the opportunity to communicate how genetic testing affects them and the people they represent.
The event will be held in partnership between the MCG programme ( and Genetic Alliance UK (
This charity consultation day forms part of the programme’s Education and Engagement workstream.